Spartan High School Volleyball Varsity and Junior Varsity defeated Kingman High School! Go Lady Spartans!

Spartans High School Soccer defeated Holbrook 6-3!! Go Spartans!!

Spartans Middle School Soccer just beat SFdA of Flagstaff 02-01! Go Spartans!

Spartans Middle School Soccer Team just beat FJA 2-1! GO SPARTANS!!

If you purchased an I-Pad last night, they have all been removed from our management system. If yours is still not working, it will need to be erased again using I-Tunes. If you need assistance you may drop off your I-Pad with the front office and we will call you when it is ready. Thank you for your patience and understanding.

Thank you to everyone who went to the open house!

Thank you to everyone who went to the open house!

Thank you to everyone who came to the open house!

Even though the iPads have been wiped, some remain enrolled in our management system. We will send out a message tomorrow when they have been unenrolled again. Sorry for this inconvenience.

Come to our open house tonight from 5-7pm and read all of these awesome affirmations and add one or two!

Come join us tomorrow night from 5pm-7pm at the school! Meet your students’ teachers and learn about Title 1 funding. There will be spaghetti and a dessert bar for all to enjoy!

A big thank you to the Chino Valley Elks Lodge for providing our 3rd grade class with dictionaries!!

Walkathon winner! Congratulations Eva Flores!

Come join us on the football field from 8-10am for the walkathon! Prizes every 30 minutes!

Ash Fork Schools has a new position open! We are looking for a Finance Coordinator/Receptionist! Check out the employment section of our website for more information!

Come join us on the football field on Friday, August 10, from 8am to 10am for our walkathon. Prizes every half hour!

High School students taking the ASVAB!

We have a job opening at Ash Fork Schools. We need a High School Paraprofessional/JTED Driver. Check out our Employment page for details!

Some images from the first days of school!

Some images from the first days of school!