Good evening, AFJUSD has had its first positive case. In order to keep our community safe high school students will only attend one day this coming week. Please check your google classroom for more details. Elementary and middle school will remain with the regular hybrid schedule. Any issues or concerns please contact the district office so we can help. Thanks for your cooperation.
Mr. Staples
Hello all Spartan fans. I hope all is well. Attached to will see the updated guidelines for the upcoming high school girls and boys and middle school boys basketball seasons. AIA has set these guidelines and we must follow them if we want to continue to play. Thanks for you time and cooperation!
Spirit Week!!
Ending result! Hope all of you like it! Thanks again to everyone involved.
Few more pics.
More pictures of the gum!
Gym Renovation- Thanks to all that contributed to our new varsity gym. Last May it was approved to redo our old gym. We were hoping to be out of this pandemic so that all of our visiting teams could enjoy it with us. The following are pictures of the different stages of renovation! We hope that come January 2021, that we will be able to host basketball games. First day of competition is scheduled for January 5. Unfortunately, at this point, no fans will be allowed to attend. Let’s hope that changes! More pictures to be added.
Happy Holidays!!!
Happy Holidays from Ash Fork Schools!!!
Ash Fork Booster Club has a Spartan apparel store setup online through X-Grain. The link is: You can place orders up until Monday, December 14. You can have some of your items personalized at a small extra cost. Items can also be shipped to your address or to the school, your choice. Hope you can help support our Booster Club and our students!
As many of you may have heard the Ash Fork School Governing Board met Tuesday evening to discuss the best way to provide adequate and effective education while keeping our students, staff, and community safe. After hearing from many individuals and looking at all statistics and scenarios, the Board decided to return to a hybrid model of instruction November 30th, the Monday we return from Thanksgiving Break. The motion also directed the district Superintendent to provide a weekly report on Covid-19 trends and statistics that affect Ash Fork, and that any extreme situations will trigger an emergency board meeting to discuss strategies and changes if necessary.
The goal of the Governing Board and administration is to return to a full-time traditional educational model but felt the hybrid model was a good compromise for the current conditions. The hybrid model will be similar to the hybrid model we activated earlier in the school year but with a few changes. Middle School will be ending the day at their regular time of 4:00 pm and Elementary hybrid will no longer be half a day all week, but rather a full day twice a week.
Teachers will be sending home information on student schedules for this hybrid model with your student. Our District office will also have a master schedule if you do not receive information from your child.
On behalf of the school district we’d like to thank all of our families for doing their part in helping us all get through this very interesting period in our lives.
No School November 23rd-26th
School will resume hybrid model on November 30th!!
The school board has voted unanimously to move back into a hybrid model, beginning the Monday after Thanksgiving Break (11/30/2020). The Governing Board will be provided with weekly updates of all COVID-19 trends and statistics. The Governing Board will look at this data to decide whether to move back into traditional in person or distance learning. In addition all extreme COVID-19 cases will also be reported to the Governing Board. Students who have no place to go during the times that they are not scheduled to be at school, may request to be on campus. It is the goal of the Governing Board to have our students 100% on campus in the traditional learning model.
Mr. Staples playing with Kindergarten. 🤩
Kindergartners all in red for class color day!
Since we could not hold our fall clothes drive in August, Ash Fork student council will be holding it the week of November 9th.
It will be held in the portico from 9:00 AM until 12:00 PM. Picking up again 12:30 PM until 2:30 PM. It will be closed Wednesday, November 11th in observance of Veterans’ Day.
Items being offered are last years unclaimed lost and found, as well as donated items.
Parents and community members are invited to help themselves during these dates and times. There is no need to check in at the front office. We are asking that face coverings, social distancing and hand washing guidelines be observed.
Thank you for supporting Ash Fork Student Council.
Congratulations to our Staff & Students of the Month!!!
Middle School Parents: Mrs. Broehm's reading assignments for the week of 11/2/20 are online under middle school distance learning. Please look at the assignments so you are aware of Mrs. Broehm's expectations for your child this week.
Some unique costumes! Happy Halloween! 🎃🎃🎃🎃
Halloween Fun! Kindergarten and 1st Grade students wearing their costumes.