Hello everyone. Ash Fork Schools are getting ready to start the 2024-2025 school year. For those of you who attended the Open House yesterday evening, we want to thank you for attending. For those of you who were unable to attend, here is some important information for your high school students. On Monday, Mr. Martin will be at a table in the hallway to handout the updated schedules for those of you who did not receive them. High school students will only have until Thursday, July 18 to change schedules, if possible. You must contact Ms. Lauren to approve any changes. Here is a list of points of emphasis from the student handbook that the high school students and parents/guardians need to be aware of:

Student Handbook Points of Emphasis:

  • Dress Code - No drugs, alcohol, explicit gestures, pictures (silhouettes), sayings or political propaganda may be on any clothing and/or hats or other attire that students wear. Students wearing pants that are torn above their knee(s), must wear clothing underneath to cover their skin.  No belly shirts - if a student raises their arms completely above their head and their belly shows, the clothing is prohibited. Shorts and skirts must be a length that may not be shorter than mid-thigh.  

  • Plagiarism through AI, copying and pasting or other resources is considered cheating, and students will be disciplined for such actions.  Teachers have programs to check for these types of actions. 

  • Tardies - A student will be given lunch detention for every 3 tardies accumulated.  If excessive tardies occur for a junior and/or senior for periods after lunch, they may lose their off-campus privileges.  Students who are tardy on a consistent basis in the morning for their first period, could lose credit for that class. 

  • Cell phones and other electronic devices, including ear buds, WILL be collected as students enter their classrooms.  All high school classrooms have enough laptops for each student to use during class. If you need to contact your child, please call the front office. 

  • Hats and/or caps and ear buds are not permitted to be worn in the classrooms. Bandanas and hair nets are not allowed. 

  • High school students are not allowed to be in teacher’s classrooms, the front office, or other areas during lunch.  All high school students should be in the multipurpose room eating area during lunch, unless they are a junior or senior who leaves campus for lunch and has signed out.

  • Excessive absences excused or unexcused (more than 7 in a semester), may result in the student appearing before the school board to determine if credits will be taken away.

High school soccer practice begins Monday, July 29 with two-a-day practices, (6 AM to 7 AM and 4 PM to 5:30/6 PM). High school volleyball practice begins Monday, August 12, as does Middle school soccer. If you children plan on participating, they need to have their physicals on file prior to the first day of practice. Final Forms registration and participation fees are also required prior to their first competitive scrimmage or game. We look forward to teaching, coaching, and inspiring your children. We look forward to having a great year.